LUBBOCK, Texas — A gas leak caused the evacuation of a worksite near the Civic Center in downtown Lubbock.
The call came in Monday, just a few minutes after noon, to 1401 Mac Davis Lane.
Lubbock Fire & Rescue spokesman Kevin Ivy confirmed that there was a gas leak at a worksite at the Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences, which is still under construction. He had no other information at this time.
Workers evacuated the worksite and were seen standing in the parking lot of the Civic Center, north of the Mahon Public Library.
An Atmos Energy spokesman said that a technician was heading to the scene of the leak to investigate.
UPDATE 1:36 p.m. – The following is a press release from Atmos Energy:
A construction crew cut through a 2 inch poly natural gas line at approximately 12:06pm.
We were able to shut the gas leak off at 1:08pm by turning a valve that controls that line. No service was lost to any other structures. Repairs are underway and service will be restored once repairs are made.
Once we determine no residual gas in the facility construction site workers will be allowed back in. The high winds are helping with the situation.
The evacuation is still ongoing, check back later for updates.