An experienced bartender at OHM Nightclub and Bar fell victim to a counterfeit cash payment. After a busy night and full house of customers his manager, Trevor Priest said the fake money looked and felt so realistic that it even passed the iodine pen mark test.

“We started seeing the marking get a lot darker. In the light we saw the markings and everything that went along with it and we realized it was a counterfeit bill,” Priest said.

Even though the bill did pass the iodine test initially, Priest said simply just marking the bill to see if it’s real is a thing of the past.

“The iodine marker test used to be a good process of using it but then people started getting smarter and started making counterfeit money. It has become very easy to pass the iodine marker test for the counterfeit bills,” Priest said.

He said the scary part about counterfeit money is you can access it by simply ordering it online.

“The weird thing is that you can buy large quantities of “prop money” and can easily pass off in a nightclub scene or in a busy bar. You can get anywhere from 10,000 to 15,000 dollars in prop money for like ten bucks online,” Priest said.

The Lubbock Police Department warns people that using fake money can get in a lot of trouble.

“Possession of counterfeit money is a third degree felony, you can be sentenced from 2-10 years for it. It’s a serious crime,” Tiffany Pelt with the Lubbock Police department said.