Local residents in Central Lubbock are frustrated over college students bringing alcohol, drugs, and vandalism to their neighborhood.

“Some kids stay one year and move out,” Upset Neighbor Gilbert Carrizalez said. “Then we start all over again because it’s a different group coming in. You’ve got males and females on top of the house and partying in the back of the yard. So we have to start all over again. Every year, over and over.”

Gilbert Carrizalez and his wife Mary have been living in their house for the last 25 years. They told KLBK and EverythingLubbock.com that these neighbors have been causing these issues for almost three years.

“We’ve been having problems on our health because we can’t sleep,” Mary said. “I had to call the cops because I saw one man was peeing on top of the roof. We’ve been calling and calling every time but they never quit.”

“From January of 2016 to today, to now, there were eight party calls out there,” Lubbock Police’s Tiffany Pelt said.

After contacting Lubbock Police on several occasions, the City of Lubbock Zoning Office, and Lubbock Fire Rescue, the Carrizalez’s said they’re now motivated to move out of their house.

“We’re trying to sell the house but we’re too old to sell,” Gilbert said. “So we’re trying to find another house close to the farm so we don’t have to deal with kids anymore.”

The tenants of this house declined to comment. 

However, one of the owners of the property told KLBK and EverythingLubbock.com they are in contact with the current residents. He added that they are reviewing their lease, and will take action pending another citation. 

The relators added that the tenants should be cleaning up their property now. 

“As long as we’re aware of the problem, which our division commander is now aware of that specific house and that is something that he will be looking into,” Pelt said. “If there are people in that neighborhood who want to contact him, we encourage that.”

Anyone with issues in their neighborhood is asked to call their division commander at Lubbock Police.

“If you have any neighborhood issues, if its a reoccurring problem, you have a neighbor or a house in a particular area that is constantly throwing parties vandalism, whatever the issue may be, those community members can actually come and talk to our division commanders to help resolve that problem,” Pelt said.

There are two Division Commanders, each in charge of the North or South Region of the area, divided by 34th Street.

The North Division Commander can be contacted at nwhite@mylubbock.us.

The South Division Commander can be contacted at cbachman@mylubbock.us.

“They can email them, they can call them, they can set up a time where they actually come in and talk to those division commanders in person,” Pelt said. “They will then trickle down that information to the necessary areas, zones of where that keeps occurring to help resolve the problem.”

“It really takes an effort on both part,” Pelt added. “Our officers can’t be everywhere at once, but if we have community help and our community members know they can come to us with their problems with their issues, and know and be confident that we can take care of those issues.”