Lubbock Police on Tuesday released information and a Facebook video related to a vehicle burglary and stolen credit card. 

Police said, “On March 6, 2017 a credit card was reported stolen from a vehicle burglary.”

“The man captured in this video used the stolen card to make a purchase at United Supermarkets,” police said. 

A police report listed the location of the car burglary as the 1600 block of 70th Street.  The victim suspected trouble when transactions were declined even though there was money in the account. 

In the police report, the victim said, “I was informed my account was frozen because they suspected fraud. They asked me about a particular charge at a United in Lubbock.”

The victim had not been to United according to the police report. 

Police said, if anyone recognizes the man in the video, please call Crime Line at 806-741-1000.

CLICK HERE to see the video on the LPD Facebook page.