On Friday, July 15, 2016 at approximately 7:53 a.m., patrol officers responded to a report of a subject slumped over in a silver 2002 Pontiac Grand AM at 19th Street and University Ave. When the first officer arrived he observed the driver was unconscious and appeared to have blood on his face and shirt. The officer, after attempting to wake the subject and checking for open doors, feared the subject may be in need of medical attention and decided to break the passenger window using his department issued ASP baton. Upon breaking the window, the driver awakened and began to drive southbound at a high rate of speed. The driver collided with a power line pole causing an explosion and catching the vehicle on fire. The suspect managed to get out of the vehicle without being electrocuted and suffered only moderate injuries.
The driver was taken to UMC for treatment and upon release was taken to the Lubbock County Detention Facility and booked in.
D’Morea Quashaveante Robinson – 18
• Driving While Intoxicated
(News release from the Lubbock Police Department)