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Lubbock and Lubbock County Prepared for Very High Fire Danger

The Texas A&M Forest Service forecasted very high fire danger for Lubbock and portions of the South Plains on Monday.  Other portions of the South Plains were forecast to have high fire danger.

“Lubbock Fire Rescue will be staffing additional units today in preparation for the increased fire danger,” LFR said in a written statement.

LFR also said, “Be extra diligent in preventing any potential fire sources; discarded smoking materials, outdoor welding, safety chains or mufflers dragging, charcoal grills, etc.”

The Lubbock County Emergency Management Coordinator said, “Lubbock County in Coordination with Lubbock County Fire Departments will be at Readiness Level II.”

“No outdoor burning will be allowed today,” Lubbock County said.  Even though the county is not under a burn ban, the county can restrict burning on any day when the fire danger is high. 

Lubbock County also said, “Increased fire activity is a concern due to sustained wind speeds of 25 to 35 mph and gusts to 45 mph combining with above normal seasonal temperatures, possible single digit relative humidity and dry fuels [which] pose a critical fire threat for today.”