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LAS adoption voucher program now allows any vet clinic to participate

LUBBOCK, Texas – Lubbock Animal Services has updated its adoption voucher program after The Animal Services Advisory Board voted unanimously that payment to and distribution of funds will move from the South Plains Medical Veterinarian Association.

This gives non-member clinics the opportunity to accept the adoption vouchers and receive payments directly from LAS.

After people find the perfect pet to adopt at LAS and sign the paperwork to take them home, they’ll receive a voucher to get the animal spayed or neutered.

“It will have the parameters of what that voucher pays for, what it costs, what the cost covers. Instead of going to a select two or three clinics that accept those you will be able to any clinic that wants to participate,” said Steven Greene, Lubbock Animal Services Director.

This new process will not only help LAS, but vet clinics around town too.

“Helping us, it starts with our bookkeeping. It kind of streamlines the process,” Greene said. “We would pay the Vet association once a quarter so it got bulky keeping all the records. It’ll get the payment to the vet clinics quicker.”

When people outside the city adopt a pet, they can go to a clinic close to them if they will accept the voucher.

“It also helps the adopted families because we have had adoptions from Amarillo, Midland, New Mexico so if you already have an established vet and you come in and get a pet from us you are able to utilize that vet if they are willing to accept our adoption voucher,” Greene said.

This will streamline the new process, making it faster and easier for all parties involved.