There’s nothing quite like it, opening a shiny red box to discover a living breathing puppy inside on Christmas morning. Although an animal can be a pleasant surprise, the Lubbock Animal Services said following the winter months they see their highest return rate all year. The assistant director, Kia Riemath said the shelter requires the gift recipient to be present and pick out the animal themselves. 

“We prefer that the person getting the dog be here if the other person wants to buy it for them,” Riemath said. “They can pay for it, but let that person pick out what they think is going to fit in their lifestyle.” 

This time last year the shelter took in nearly 2,000 animals in one month. With Texas Tech students entering winter break, they also see an increase in drop off’s and abandonment this time of year as well. Riemath said it can be everything from a lack of interest or the animal showing behavioral problems. 

“They end the semester and they say ‘oh I can’t take it with me.’ Sometimes they are left, sometimes they are given to a friend, or sometimes they are just found as strays,” Riemath said.

In order to approve someone to adopt an animal, the shelter first checks to make sure the new owner has a fenced backyard, approval from landlord (if renting), and how the new pet will interact with other pets that the owner already has. 

If you are interested in rescuing an animal, you can visit the shelter located at: 

3323 SE Loop 289 — Lubbock, TX 79404
