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Lubbock Fire Rescue Warns About Pets in Fires

Lubbock Fire Rescue responded to 110 fire calls from February to March. They responded to multiple fires within the past three days, two of which involved animals being trapped in homes. One of the fires happened over the weekend and the rescue team managed to save several small puppies from the flames.

The other fire happened Monday afternoon, and started due to a heat lamp getting tipped over in the garage. Fire Rescue Division Chief, Steve Holland said two adult dogs and nine puppies died. Holland said usually animals can find their way out of a burning home, but sometimes they don’t. 

“We have gone in long after fires are out and we’ve started clearing the smoke and found pets alive just scared and hiding,” Holland said. 

Dr. Carl Clary with Live Oak with the Live Oak Animal Hospital said they treat animals year round who have breathed in too much smoke from house fires. 

“If they are exposed to too much smoke, start trying to breathe for them,” Clary said. “You can put your mouth around their mouth, get them revived as quick as you can,” Clary said. 

Something the fire rescue team is seeing more of is emergency signs placed on the walls on homes letting the officers know how many pets are in the home. 

“We have seen those signs and they are becoming more prevalent, and if you have pets by all means put a sign at there, if you aren’t at home when a fire or emergency occurs if we see that sign we are certainly going to make every effort to save your pets.” Holland said.