The City of Lubbock will create a fraud, waste and abuse hotline. The hotline must be open to both city employees and the general public. Recently the city advertised a bid process for companies that might wish to operate such a hotline on behalf of the city.
“The city had employees in the past that stole something,” said a spokesman for the city.
Human Resources, Internal Audit and Finance wanted a way to learn information more quickly in such circumstances.
“It’s a way to go to H.R. without going face to face,” the spokesman said. “Texas Tech has something similar.”
The estimated cost would be $6,000 per year.
“The Hotline Administrator shall provide a toll-free hotline number,” a bid document said. “Calls to the hotline must be answered by a live intake representative 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.”
The hotline must operate in both English and Spanish. Those calling the hotline must be promised anonymity.
“Where this option is selected, the anonymity of hotline complainants shall be protected. Calls will not be recorded and caller identification information will not be maintained.”
There must also be an internet-based version of the hotline, and it too must promise anonymity.
“IP addresses will not be tracked for complaints submitted via the website,” the bid invitation said.
Bids are due on July 24 and the city wants a one-year contract that can be renewed for one year at a time – up to four years total.