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Man points gun at Lubbock couple over parking dispute, police report said


LUBBOCK, Texas — Lubbock Police were called to a restaurant near 19th Street and West Loop 289 on Monday afternoon.

A man and woman in a dating relationship went to the restaurant and noticed a man giving them dirty looks. The man went out to the parking lot and spit on the driver side door of the vehicle, according to the police report.

The couple then went out to their vehicle and said to the man, “What the f*** are you doing?”

The man complained that the couple’s vehicle was not parked between the lines of a parking space.

“You need to learn how to f***king park,” the man told the couple, according to the police report.

According to the police report, the man went to his car, pulled out a pistol and pointed it at the couple.

The couple ran back into the restaurant and called police. According to the police report, the man was in a company vehicle. The couple called the manager of the company and was able to get information about the man in the company car.

As of Tuesday, police had not yet made an arrest.