Get Excited About Robotics (GEAR) Competition Day

8:30 a.m. Saturday (April 8)

Robert H. Ewalt Student Recreation Center basketball courts
GEAR is an eight-week LEGO robotics challenge for elementary and middle school students in grades Kindergarten through eighth grade. Student teams build and program LEGO robots, using EV3/MINDSTORMS EV3 kits to perform specified tasks. To solve the challenge, students learn engineering skills through a team exercise in designing, building, programming, testing and troubleshooting wheeled LEGO robots that perform and compete on an 8-foot-by-8-foot field.

During the past 11 years, Texas Tech University has served as a local GEAR hub for the competition in Lubbock. During this time, the competition has grown from a trial run held with Harwell Elementary School in 2006 to a competition featuring 295 participating teams. This year, more than 1,000 students will participate from more than 65 schools, clubs and organizations from the Lubbock area and across the South Plains will participate.

GEAR is part of National Robotics Week: http://nationalroboticsweek.org/

For more information, visit the GEAR website.

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Jim Kennedy, director of marketing, Edward E. Whitacre Jr. College of Engineering, Texas Tech University, (806) 834-3451 or jim.kennedy@ttu.edu

(News release from Texas Tech University)