The national moving site, Move.Org conducted a study to figure out the best cities for 20 something year olds to live. The site looked at 100 of America’s largest cities, and ranked them based off of cost of living, unemployment rate, and commute times. The hub city ranked as number six.

Texas Tech Business senior Alex DeRossi said he could very well see himself living here after his schooling and that the efficient cost of living has caught his eye. He thinks that the campus also helps to give the town an overall ‘vibrant feel’.

“It’s really low, you can go and buy yourself a massive house on 82nd street, that area is actually being developed right now because of the low cost.” said DeRossi.

Morgan Brannon is receiving her master’s in higher education and said that her and her husband both work and go to school here in Lubbock, and that they find it the perfect place to settle down. Brannon used to live in Albuqurque, and said the first thing she noticed here was the easy commute.

“Everything is so close, it’s weird because a short distance there was being able to get somewhere in 20 minutes where as here, you can take the loop and get across town in 10 minutes.”

According to the article, Lubbock has one of the youngest median ages on their list at 29.4. It also shows that Lubbock has a growing job market and real estate market. CEO John Osborne with the Lubbock Economic Development Alliance said they’ve seen a population boost amongst young adults.

“Graduates from our universities are looking for jobs locally first,” said Osborne. “They loved the experience they had in college, they love Lubbock and they love the people.”