One of the greatest days of every parent’s life is the day they get to bring their new born baby home.
But, just because they’re home doesn’t mean they’re safe.
However, a local pediatrician said there are tips you can follow to reduce the risk of SIDS and your baby.
“Sids is an acronym for sudden infant death syndrome and it occurs most often in the first few months of an infants life,” said Doctor Jake Westerberg from Covenant Medical Group.
In fact the centers for disease control reports that around 35-hundred infants die from SIDS every year.
But, there are things you can do as a parent to reduce your child’s risk.
Doctor Westerberg said, “The single best thing is starting out to sleep on our back.”
That recommendation is part of the American Academy of Pediatrics “Back to Sleep Campaign” which started in 1992.
A simple step Doctor Westerber says has greatly reduced the number of infant deaths.
He explained another tip saying, “There’s some evidence that’s associated with affixation or the baby rolling into the pillow and not being able to roll out because of lack of motor development.”
Which means if you got a crib bumper at the baby shower, Leave It Out.
Same goes for those cute pillows and stuffed animals until they’re older.
Doctor Westerber sid the best thing is a tight fitted sheet and a simple blanket.
And another recommendation you probably haven’t heard about, get your child vaccinated.
“The American Academy of Pediatrics released kind of an update to their policy statement on SIDS. and in their latest statement that shows immunization reduces the incident of SIDS,” said Doctor Westerberg.