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Boy gives up Disney birthday trip to feed Dorian evacuees

ALLENDALE, S.C. (WJBF) – A South Carolina boy gave up his Disney World money to buy hot dogs, chips and water for evacuees of Hurricane Dorian.

Six-year-old Jermaine Bell will be celebrating his 7th birthday on Sept. 8.

Bell has been saving his money to go to Disney World, but in the midst of Hurricane Dorian making its way to the Palmetto state, he wanted to find a way to help evacuees. Bell instantly had other priorities on his list to do with his birthday money.

“The people that are traveling to go to places, I wanted them to have some food to eat, so they can enjoy the ride to the place that they’re going to stay at,” says Jermaine Bell, 6-year-old hurricane helper.

So Bell took his Disney World birthday money and traded it in for hot dogs, chips, and water to serve to coastal South Carolina evacuees.

“I wanted to be generous and live to give,” says Jermaine.

Living by that motto, Bell stood along Highway 125 in Allendale with two handcrafted signs on each end of the highway to make sure he got evacuees attention. He served nearly 100 evacuees.

“Want me to pray for you,” says Jermaine a family of evacuees.

While Jermaine Bell’s grandmother Aretha Grant was helping him pass out food, she was able to witness a bigger message bell wanted to give out.

“He actually even prayed for a family while they were here in reference to their house being okay when they got back, so that was really tear dropping,” says Aretha Grant, Jermaine’s Grandmother.

Grant wants her grandson to see how blessed he is to be a blessing to evacuees during these tough times.

“They weren’t able to take everything. So just knowing that they couldn’t take everything and we were able to have a house, so that’s the blessed part that he should be thankful for and get out of it.” says Aretha.”

Bell hopes when Hurricane Dorian is over, his birthday celebration can still continue.

“Go Animal Kingdom and see lots of lions and have a Lion King party,” says Jermaine.