AKRON, OH (CNN) — An Ohio couple is about to become a household of seven.

After Hannah and Jacob Merton married in 2017, they felt ready for kids.

“I’ve always wanted twins. I always grew up saying I wanted twins,” Hannah told WEWS. “We tried to get pregnant for a year and it just wasn’t happening.”

They went to a specialist and started fertility medication. Last October, their doctor delivered some stunning news.

“I almost passed out just from shock.”

The ultrasound revealed Hannah’s wish, twins, at first. But they ultrasound showed babies “A” and “B” were also joined by “C” “D” and “E.”

“It really was just a surreal kind of feeling. I don’t even know how to put it into words. It’s just unbelievable really,” said Jacob.

Hannah is now 19 weeks along, with three girls and two boys. The couple is still working on names.

Their due date is in June, but the quintuplets will most likely be delivered in March or April.

Hannah will stay home with the babies, while Jacob will soon graduate from the University of Akron. He’s hoping for a job in financial planning.