JACKSON COUNTY, Ohio (WCMH) — A Jackson County man was stuck after his gym closed due to Ohio’s stay at home order in the fight against the COVID-19 coronavirus.

So Zachary Skidmore took out his chainsaw and made what he’s calling a “lumber jacked gym.”

In a video posted to his Facebook page, Skidmore gets in a pretty full workout, showing of different exercise equipment like a leg press, a shoulder press, dumbbells, and a treadmill, all made out of wood.

Skidmore posted that it took about 60 hours over the course of two weeks to build all of the equipment.

“I managed to satisfy my hunger to work out. I hope you enjoy!” Skidmore wrote.

(Information from NBC4i.com)

EverythingLubbock.com continues ongoing coverage of coronavirus (COVID-19) recovery efforts in Lubbock and the South Plains