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Parents of Infant Bitten by Rats Fit to Stand Trial

The parents of an infant bitten 100 or so times by rats have been deemed fit to stand trial, as reported Tuesday by nwahomepage.com.  

Erica Shryock, 19, and Charles Elliot, 18, were ordered to undergo mental evaluations when their two-week-old daughter was found with rat bites all over her body.

On May 14, police officers in Magnolia, Arkansas were called to Magnolia Regional Medical Center.

An emergency room nurse told police that the child was 15-days-old, weighed about 5 pounds and had been bitten at least 100 times. The nurse said the bites were severe.

A portion of the baby’s skull was visible and she needed facial reconstruction surgery, according to nwahompage.com.  A doctor determined it would have taken hours for rats to have caused this much injury, and the baby girl would have been in distress during those hours.

Shryock and Elliot were found by a court to understand the charges against them. They were charged with endangering a minor and abuse to a minor.
If they are convicted, they could spend up to 20-years in prison.

(Information from nwahomepage.com