LOUISA COUNTY, Va. (WRIC) — A McDonald’s employee in Louisa County jumped into action last month when a woman suffered a medical emergency in the drive-thru.

Brandon Townes said he was running on adrenaline and was in the right place at the right time when he helped save the woman. The rescue was caught on camera.

What started out as a typical work day for Townes, turned into a life changing one on April 22. Surveillance video captured the moment the 22-year-old shift manager jumped into action to save the woman’s life.

“She began having the seizure at that window and I guess she locked up and her foot went on to the gas,” Townes said.

Townes said he was working the drive-thru when he heard a co-worker scream. As he turned his head he saw a car fly past the window. Video shows Townes taking off and chasing the car, sprinting across four lanes of traffic.

“Definitely instinct and a little adrenaline too,” he told 8News. “I didn’t really think about getting hit, I was waving my hands telling everyone to stop.”

The woman’s car bust through a sign, accelerated into oncoming traffic and would’ve crashed into a nearby bank if it wasn’t for Townes.

“I opened the door, I hit the brake and stopped the car by putting it in park. She was still in mid-seizure and that was the scariest part,” Townes explained.

Getting a lot of congratulations from the Louisa community, Townes’ selfless actions recognized by McDonald’s. The company gifted him with a certificate and trophy.

“I don’t see myself as a hero. I just wanted to help somebody in need and I just hope she’s doing alright and feeling better,” Townes said.

Sources close to the woman’s family says she is doing OK and is at home recovering. She is grateful that Townes was there to save her life.