TYLER, Texas (KETK) – Due to the Coronavirus pandemic across the country, all non-essential events are canceled – including the Spring Skywarn storm spotter classes. However, the National Weather Service forecast office in Shreveport, Louisiana is offering two virtual classes to educate the public about types of severe weather.

The first class will be tomorrow (Tuesday), April 7 at 7 PM. This will be hosted on the NWS Shreveport Facebook Page. The discussion will be how to identify severe weather.

The second class will be Tuesday, April 14 at 10 AM. This class will also discuss how to identify severe weather & reporting it to the National Weather Service. Also, this class will be the official class to become an official Skywarn storm spotter. You must register for this class here.

For any questions related to this training session, please contact NWS Shreveport Skywarn Focal Point, Chris Nuttall@noaa.gov, and NWS Shreveport Warning Coordination Meteorologist Charles.Woodrum@noaa.gov.