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‘We fell in love with each other’; 100-year-old man, 102-year-old woman tie the knot

SYLVANIA, OH (WNWO)  An elderly couple in Ohio is proving that true love never grows old.

John and Phyllis Cook got married at Kingston Residence in Sylvania last week, after dating each other for about a year. 

The couple both lost their previous spouses, and noticed their relationship was starting to blossom.

“To tell you the truth, we fell in love with each other. I know you think that may be a little bit far-fetched for somebody our age, but we fell in love with each other,” said Phyllis.

“Well, we were just compatible in a whole lot of ways, found ourselves enjoying each other’s company,” added John, a World War II veteran who recently turned 100-years-old.

Phyllis, originally from West Virginia, will turn 103 on August 8, which is still three years shy of how old her mother lived to be.

Read more here http://bit.ly/2LwbomB