Neighbors in southwest Lubbock are still shaken over a police chase that passed through their back yards Sunday morning. Lubbock Police apprehended a man they believed to be armed and dangerous on the 5500 block of  78th Street Sunday at approximately 11:15 a.m., but before they made an arrest, the suspect led them on a chase through alleys and yards nearby.

Lubbock Police were called to a home near 79th Street and Chicago where they were told 19-year-old D’Morea Robison had been assaulting his family members and threatening violence. According to police records, Robison had arrived home that morning drunk. A disagreement ensued between Robison and another family member, family members on scene said that the two put on boxing gloves and fought in the yard. But even when the boxing matches ended, the disagreements between Robison and his family members did not.  Witnesses told police that Robison had grabbed a bag with ammunition from that house and threatening to kill everyone there.  When law enforcement officers arrived on the scene, Robison fled.

Officers were alerted that Robison was in the back yard of a home on 78th Street. Alyson Chauncey lives in that home, but she wasn’t home at the time, she found out about this police chase hours later.
Police spotted Robison in the home next door to Chauncey’s. Two officers tried to chase him, they went into Chauncey’s backyard where the officers found ammunition on the ground there as well as a bag with ammunition in it. The discovery supported police suspicions that Robison was armed.

Officers then located Robison in a back yard several hundred yards away . After what Lubbock Police called a “meticulous” hour long search, officers were able to surround Robison in the back yard.  But when they did, an officer on scene discharged his weapon, in an instance the Lubbock Police are now investigating for negligent discharge. No one was injured when that round was fired, police said that the bullet went through the fence and came to rest on the ground.

Police are now investigating both the circumstances around the domestic dispute with Robison’s family as well as the officer’s actions during the negligent discharge.

Most of the neighbors on the street where the chase happened  told they were not home at the time of the pursuit, several noticed things moved around in their backyards which they believe to be a result of the chase. 

“I know Halloween is in a couple of  weeks, but we’ve already had enough fear for this year,” Chauncey said of the pursuit in her neighborhood.

She arrived home Sunday evening and found that ladders had been propped up against fences in her yard, that sheds were left wide open, and that mysterious footprints were on her patio.
“We came in to the backyard because we were walking back from the neighbors yard and saw one of these tall ladders up here sticking up over our fence and on to the roof, and that’s when we felt like maybe something else had gone on over here,”

After speaking with neighbors, she learned about the chase. Chauncey immediately began to fear for her safety in her own home.

“I locked every window, made sure every thing was checked, I made sure every shutter was closed, and I just felt so scared, even though this man had been arrested, I felt that it was still lingering in my house,” she explained.

She had concerns that Robison had been hiding in her backyard.

“So this small ladder was propped up against this fence here and we have a dumpster that was on the other side, so we think that  maybe he had hopped over the dumpster or maybe he had planted this as some sort of escape rroute,” Chauncey said. 

Chauncey said her mother was also at work at the time the chase happened, but she worried what would have happened if her mother was in the backyard when Robison ran through.

“The fact that he could have been in our backyard with her, maybe with ammunition and a gun is terrifying, it’s something you can’t really prepare for,” she said.

Even though Robison was arrested, Chauncey still felt scared knowing the privacy on her property had been violated.  So she called Lubbock Police again Sunday evening, and they visited her house to make note of all the suspicious things she’s seen in her yard. 

“We had them come out and check  everything, it’s because of [Lubbock Police] that we actually got some sleep last night , the fact that they were just trying to protect us,” Chauncey said.