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New Left-Turn Traffic Signals Coming Online in Brownfield This Week

TxDOT is set to install new traffic signals with flashing yellow left-turn arrows along US 62 and US 380 in the city of Brownfield as part of an effort to upgrade the signals to meet Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) standards. The traffic signals on US 82 at the US 380, Main Street, Tate Street, Buckley Street and US 380 at Cedar Street intersections are scheduled to be installed and set to go online this week. Work is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, Jan. 10.

“The flashing-yellow, left-turn arrows were adopted in 2009 by the FHWA as the national standard for permissive left-turn signals,” said Steve Warren, P.E., TxDOT Lubbock District engineer. “The signals are now being used by TxDOT and local jurisdictions across the state.”

Motorists should be aware that oncoming traffic has a green light when the flashing yellow arrow is displayed.

“The flashing yellow-arrow, left-turn signals are gradually being phased in to replace the traditional circular green signals,” Warren added. “The flashing yellow arrow is being used to indicate traffic is permitted to turn left but must still yield to oncoming traffic. This is different from the old green arrow signal which means traffic turning left is protected and has the right of way.”

Flashing yellow arrows will continue to be retrofitted where appropriate at existing signals when traffic control equipment is upgraded or replaced.

Work will take place weather permitting.

For more information, contact TxDOT Public Information Officer Dianah Ascencio at (806) 748-4472.

(News release from the Texas Dept. of Transportation, Lubbock District)