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New Legacy Home for Women Breaks Ground

On Tuesday morning, dozens of community members, city and county officials gathered to break ground on the New Legacy Home for Women. 

The home will be located across the street from the Lubbock Dream Center and will hold 24 beds and house women and their children for 15 months at a time until they’re able to get back on their feet through their three phase program. 

The JT and Margaret Talkington Charitable Foundation awarded a $1.5 million grant to help fund the home and its opportunity to provide a way for women to lead a healthy, independent, and productive life. 
Shanna Hargrave, Executive Director of the New Legacy Home, shared that there was a great need for this home in Lubbock, and that is was powerful to see its idea finally come to fruition. 
“Before there was nothing built here. It was all empty land and nothing’s ever been built on this land, so I just think it’s a ground that God’s set aside for what’s he’s doing with the new legacy home,” said Hargrave.
Congressman Jodey Arrington also attended the groundbreaking, addressing the community on how important it is that Lubbock is able to provide this resource for women who need it across the South Plains.
“This brokenness and need for redemption and a new life and new lease on life is something we all need,” said Arrington. “It’s not just these women, it’s people like me in Congress,it’s everyone who needs this, so recognizing that we should all do our part to lend a helping hand.” 

The Lubbock Dream Center currently serves more than 1,600 people with countless needs each week. To keep up with the home’s progress, visit the center’s website here.