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No confirmed cases of COVID-19 (or coronavirus) in Lubbock, despite social media posts

(Nexstar Media Group/EverythingLubbock.com Staff)

LUBBOCK, Texas — Multiple social media posts this week in Lubbock falsely claimed there was case of coronavirus, COVID-19, confirmed at University Medical Center in Lubbock.

UMC said there is no positive test result.

That’s consistent with information provided Friday by a statement from the City of Lubbock and information EverythingLubbock.com from others in the local healthcare community.

“One patient was tested this week,” said a spokesman for UMC. The result was negative.

TIEHH or The Institute of Environment and Human Health in Lubbock, for a time, was the only place properly authorized to test for COVID-19 in Texas. Other labs statewide have since completed the steps to perform testing.

One Facebook post said, “I seriously got stop [sic] in Walmart just now by a nurse that works at umc [sic] telling me that there is a patient at umc [sic] with the coronavirus… ”

The post is not true. Another post test said, “be safe 1 positive case confirmed Coronavirus UMC hospital here in Lubbock….” But again, that is not the case.

UMC said in the event that COVID-19 is confirmed in Lubbock, nurses and doctors have already been trained on the use of personal protective equipment. There are negative pressure rooms and “groups ready to respond.”

“All of that is at the ready,” UMC said. UMC has been in daily briefings with state officials including the office of governor.

The City of Lubbock has provided daily statements with assurances that local officials are fully prepared.

“Our caregivers are prepared to manage a positive diagnosis,” Covenant Health said earlier in the week. “We are monitoring this issue closely and taking precautions to ensure the safety of our patients, caregivers, visitors and community.”

As of Friday morning, the Texas Department of State Health Services said there were five cases of COVID-19 with one in Fort Bend County and four others in Harris County.