Nearly one hundred and fifty people attended a meeting at the Texas Tech University Hub on Tuesday where North & East Lubbock CDC announced their 2017 revitalization initiative “Adopt-a-Spot”.

Partnering with Habitat for Humanity,  volunteers will help to repair and build homes throughout the North East Lubbock area. District two councilwoman Sheila Patterson said she hopes to encourage more people to live in the East Lubbock community. 

“I’m hoping to see some type of movement, and sometimes when people see movement they get excited about it and they want to link up and do their part.” said Patterson.

The East Lubbock Alliance is also working on their ‘roots’ program, where member Cathy Pope said they are in the process of planting trees and helping to beautify the community. 

“We are building a gateway on Avenue A and 19th street as an entrance into East Lubbock.” said Pope.

If you are interested in getting involved in the 2017 beautification process visit: