United Medical Center doctors in Lubbock diagnosed five year old Hunter White with Leukemia on October 18.
“They took him to the emergency room a couple of times,” Hunter’s Grandmother Denise White said. “He had leg pains and really severe and they just kept saying they weren’t diagnosing with this. Finally his blood count went off the wall so they rushed him over here to Lubbock.”
Hunter’s parents are asking for the community’s help moving forward.
“It’s been very tough,” White said. “I had to quit my job. I didn’t have to, I chose to, to where I could help take care of Hunter, because I knew they (Hunter’s parents) still had to continue working.”
The Odessa family of six from Odessa travel two to three times a week to UMC for Hunter’s three-year treatment plan.
“We have our moments and it’s just hard seeing someone you love going through something like this,” White said. “The side effects to the chemo and all the drugs he’s on is just, it’s heartbreaking.”
With the stress of a sick child and the multiplying medical bills, Hunter’s parents are asking for the community’s help. 
Hunter’s dad, Rusty White, set up a Go Fund Me page called, “Hunter’s Medical Bills” found here.
They have also created “Hunter Strong” shirts in support of their mission.
“Not wanting to give up, wanting to see him healthy and happy again and just have Hunter back,” White said.

The parents of a little boy who is undergoing cancer treatment at United Medical Center is asking for the community’s help moving forward.