This past November marked a year since a fire burned down a Wild Wood mobile home in East Lubbock.  The fire killed Ronnie Millman and injured his wife Bobbi Price. Along with their dogs, they were the only ones in the home at the time.

“It was just horrific,” said Price.

This past year has been unbearable for Price, relying heavily on the support of meals on wheels and her church to get through.

“I can start walking now. I couldn’t walk before. There would be times I wouldn’t step out the house for a month,” said Price.

She says she is finally ready to heal. Today was her first day of therapy since the traumatic fire. But she thinks moving away from Lubbock will be in her best interest. She says the feelings are unavoidable while still living here.

“I can’t stay stuck here in this life I am living. I cant do it, its too hard,” said Price.

Price is now looking to donate or sell her stuff. If you are interested in helping her get her stuff collected or donated you can contact her by phone at 806-762-8126 or email