Los Hermanos Familia, a colla-borative group of men and women, organizations, and volunteers who value God, family, and community and serve as organizers of the 7th Annual “Vamos a Pescar, Let’s Go Fishing” free fishing event to be held Sat., August 8, 2015, with the Lubbock Chapter of Fishing’s Future, recognize that many families are using technology to stay aware of news and current events. That said, the organization reminds the public that online registration is now available for convenience and efficiency.
“Families can now register online via their computers or cell phones, making the event that much more accessible to them,” said Frank Garcia, co-chair whose father, the late Gonzalo Garcia Sr., a farmer, had made a last request to go fishing with the entire family after a heart bypass recovery. Sadly, he died the next morning.
“We know families are busy, but my daddy’s work often prevented him from getting to participate in family outing and activities. We use fishing as a means to bring families together,” he said adding that the event is free, does not require a fishing license, and the lake is stocked with hungry catfish.
Garcia added that organizers work tenaciously to assure the families a great time, and keep it free to assure that the families are not hindered by cost. And simply to allow them a chance to build memories.
Interested participants can register online at www.letsgofishinglubbock.com for the fishing event that will be held Saturday, August 8, 2015, between 6 a.m. to 2 p.m.
(Press release from Los Hermanos Familia)