LUBBOCK, Texas — A group of kids pass along a basketball at the Mae Simmons basketball courts behind the Community Center. AJ McCleod, YWCA Community Youth Development Leadership Director said it is their second time hosting their Peace on the East: Day at the Park.
“We just want to continue to have good, fun events our young women in the neighborhood,” McCleod said.
The event is a 4-on-4 basketball tournament, also featuring other games from noon to 4 p.m. every other Saturday.
“We have had an uptick in gun violence and that’s our main objective is saving our boys from either box or cell,” McCleod said.
With grants from the Community Youth Development Program, they are able to provide food and water at any event they host. Additionally, first and second place winners of the basketball tournament receive cash prizes.
“We’re just trying to make a difference in the lives of our kids through our grants,” McCleod said.
The tournament is a chance for kids to do what they love. Lubbock police officers also made an appearance at the tournament Saturday.
McCleod said he will continue to hold basketball tournaments every other Saturday for the rest of the summer. He also said he will continue to walk on Tuesdays, and hold other sporting events on Thursdays for as long as they can.