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People Lining Up to Support the Thin Blue Line

Cars lined Highway 84 in Littlefield Wednesday morning to receive a thin blue line on the back windows.

In the last few years, the blue line has become a symbol of support for law enforcement officers and agencies. 

After last week’s ambush on police officers in Dallas, Mike Holmes, co-owner of All Ways Towing in Littlefield, posted a picture on Facebook telling the public he would put a blue line on cars for free.

For hours Wednesday morning the cars pulled into the drive, one-by-one.

“The turnout has been great,” Holmes said. “It has been better than is expected. I mean the community has just shown so much support.”

Holmes extended an invitation to local law enforcement agents, who showed up to the event.

Detective Jeremias Rodriguez, with the Littlefield Police Department, said the support he saw Wednesday was overwhelming.

“I think it is awesome,” Rodriguez said. “It is really good to see how people from the community are coming out and showing their support to not only Littlefield but
law enforcement worldwide.”

Holmes said the event was such a success he would like to do it again in the fall.