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Plainview High School Setting Records with Graduation Rate

Plainview High School is setting records across the South Plains with their graduation rate and give some thanks to Generation Texas. 

“Not celebrate high school graduation as the end of something but celebrate those kids on high school graduation as a launching pad for the next step,” Plainview High School Career and Special Population Counselor Amy Hagerman said.
Hager added she works with a team of faculty in every grade level to prepare students for post-secondary education.
Before Plainview joined Generation Texas, their graduation rate was at 54% for students. Since joining, they reached 91% percent of students pursuing some sort of secondary education.
“We hit 94% of our seniors were accepted somewhere, anywhere post secondary,” Hagerman said. “Whether it’s a career in technical, military, four year university. If they have a post secondary plan and we have confirmation of that as an acceptance letter or an email from the school or something yes they have enrolled, they have done what they need to start this program, then they’re included.”
Ceremonies, like Pass the Torch, are given to students to celebrate their success and motivate future students to come. They have also started including the community for support in the mission.
“We have more kids who they think I can do this, I want to do this, I’m going to figure this out,” Hagerman said.
Night time school sessions are scheduled for students and families to learn about Generation Texas and get help with applications, scholarships, and essays. Hagerman added this helps explains what their options are as high school graduates. 
“When you have a future and you have goals, you’re going to make better decisions in the present,” Hagerman said. “It’s just a natural human consequence. But I do think the language is changing with our kids and the expectation that high school is not the end it’s the step to the next level is becoming the norm in ideology here.”
Plainview High School is currently preparing for their Spring session. Hagerman added that anyone who is interested in the program can contact their office or a local school counselor  for more information.