ABILENE, Texas (KTAB/KRBC) – Police Chief Stan Standridge is making the public aware of a man who is not homeless but still makes about $1,000 a weekend begging for charity at an Abilene intersection.

In a public Facebook post, Chief Standridge says the man, who sits in a wheelchair at Hwy 83/84 and FM 707 every weekend, is not homeless and actually lives at a southside residence.

Chief Standridge says this man also, “is not wheelchair-bound, but is instead dropped off every weekend to seek charity. “

The man answered a few questions for APD’s homeless outreach team, disclosing he makes $1,000 just working the weekend.

Instead of direct donations to people on the streets, Chief Standridge wants to encourage citizens to give money to non-profits instead, who will distribute the funds to those truly in need.

The Facebook post did not say anything about the unnamed man facing criminal charges.

(Story from bigcountryhomepage.com)