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Remember Our Heroes to Host Dinner for Purple Heart Recipients & Veterans Sunday Evening

Aug. 7, 2016 is National Purple Heart Day. It falls on a Sunday. Nonetheless, Remember Our Heroes will be hosting an informal dinner that night to pay tribute to those who have received Purple Hearts [wounded in war] plus celebrate all Veterans who have devoted their time and service to our country. We will also have 2 or 3 speakers address real issues confronting some Veteran’s today. Although most Vets come home and live normal even uneventful lives, some come home changed. We are committed to helping those who live in darkness and with fear and anxiety.

One of our country’s greatest hero was Audie Murphy from WWII. His bravery of holding off a  large German force by himself is the story of legends. Incredible bravery, but he went to bed every night after getting out of the Army with a fully loaded gun under his pillow. He was one of the first to address what we now know as PTS. Therefore, we will address PTS, Soldier and  Veteran suicide plus other significant issues affecting some Veterans.

We will also hopefully recognize a Texas Hero, Ken Pridgeon from Baytown. He is known as the Dauber for painting portraits of fallen heroes from Texas. We will honor him with the our first ever Russ Murphy Award for Service to our Heroes who have worn the uniform of our country. 

Please join us on Aug. 7th No cost, but donations gladly accepted.

AUGUST 7, 2016

6:30 TO 8:00



Come out on the 7th as we also remind our fellow citizens that only 1% of our sons and daughters wear the uniform of our country and many of that 1% remain engaged in a terrible war with an terrible and evil enemy. So few doing so much to protect the American way of life.

(News release from Remember Our Heroes)