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Reminder: Lubbock Law Enforcement to Host Citizen’s Academy in April

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), in conjunction with the Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office (LSO) and the Lubbock Police Department (LPD), is now accepting applications for the next Citizen’s Academy, which begins April 4th. This exciting 12-week academy will introduce students to the various programs and services provided by law enforcement, and will provide interactive, hands-on education during weekly meetings held on Tuesdays from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Participants in the academy will learn about the different services each agency offers. This year’s academy will include four weeks dedicated to each of the three agencies with some of the topics to include: patrol procedures, SWAT, the crime lab, aircraft operation, border operations, K-9 units, tactical driving, crash investigations, criminal investigations and civilian response to active shooters.

The Citizens Academy is designed to educate students about the many safety challenges Texans face every day and how law enforcement organizations function on a daily basis to protect and serve the state. The academy will be held at the offices of DPS, LSO and LPD.  The public and the media are invited to submit an application to participate in the academy. The Citizen’s Academy will accept no more than 30 students, and each student must commit to attend at least 10 of the 12 weeks. Applications are available online at www.lubbockcitizensacademy.com or can be picked up at any of the three agency offices. The application deadline is 5 p.m. on February 4th.

Completed applications not filled out online can be returned in person or mailed to:

Texas Department of Public Safety
Lt. Bryan Witt
1404 Lubbock Business Park Blvd., Suite 100
Lubbock, Texas 79403

If you are interested in becoming a student and have questions, contact:

(News release from the Lubbock Police Department)