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Residents Looking for More Work on West 50th in Lubbock County

Residents who live out on West 50th Street, or County Road 6900, say they’re still looking for more improvements to their road.

The road is paved with an added asphalt shoulder to widen the road right now. There is no posted speed limit and the road also does not have a center lane stripe.

Back in March, there were two accidents on the same stretch of road within days of each other. One was deadly. Crews also recently widened part of the road, adding that asphalt to the side of the road.

“This road is very narrow, very dangerous, and a concern for safety,” nearby resident Charlotte Johnson said.

Johnson said she has lived out off of W. 50th for a number of years, but at one point, she and her husband considered moving because of their safety concerns there. “We’ve talked about moving in a little bit, we love being out here, but it’s just a dangerous road, and it concerns me,” she said.

Even with the additional asphalt put down to somewhat widen the road, Johnson said it is still hard to drive on the road, just because it is so narrow.

“There’s really no way to pull off this road safely, you’re going to be on soft asphalt now, or you’re going to be in soft dirt,” Johnson said. “Even with the drought, people were getting stuck on a regular basis.”

County Commissioner Bill McCay said more work is being planned on that roadway, including further paving, widening, and striping of the road. McCay also said they are they are working on applying for a grant that would give them money to make more improvements on that road in the coming year. They won’t know for a few months if they are approved.