Residents in Northwest Lubbock neighborhood, Whisperwood, share how they are upset about one neighbor’s overgrown yard.  Neighbors said they’ve been dealing with this problem for eight years.

One neighbor told KLBK News reporter Melissa Adan that the property is owned by a local doctor and has been vacant for eight years.

The Lubbock Central Appraisal District shows that the home on the 4200 block of 2nd place drive is owned by Lubbock doctor David Syn. City of Lubbock Codes enforcement has already inspected Syn’s home this year, which is valued at $410,742.
“This property has been through codes one time and we notified the property owner, actually cleaned and mowed property about a month ago,” said Stuart Walker, Codes supervisor. “So the weeds you see on the property that’s only basically 30 days growth.”

Walker said weed concerns have been a big problem at their department for the last couple of months and that his crew has been mowing properties at least hundreds of times a week.

“The reasons that we have these ordinances and abatement program is because of health and safety concerns because we have vermin, insects of disease that use tall weeds and vegetation for habitat so we want to remove that habitat so we don’t have that situation in our neighborhoods,” said Walker.

Whisperwood residents said the home is attracting rodents and wild animals as the property has weeds that have grown taller than the fence.

KLBK News reached out to Syn’s office and we have yet to hear back from them.

His former neighbors said they’re hoping for a permanent solution to this nearly decade long problem.

“We’re kind of fed up with it,” said a neighbor who lives across the alley from Syn’s home. “We would like to see something done with this property whether it be maintained regularly or the property be sold and someone else take care of it.”

City of Lubbock Codes asks you call them at (806) 775-3000 to report anyone whose weeds are over eight inches.