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Severe Weather Leaving its Imprint on Cars

After severe weather hit areas of the Hub City on Sunday, many cars were left behind with hail damage in Plainview and Brownfield.

Collision King Owner, Steve Tisdale, explained that during this time of year the shop see’s an increase in customers due to weather damages.

“Today our metal is so much softer and they are making cars lighter year after year and we are seeing more and more aluminum, so it’s going to be more susceptible to hail damage,” said Tisdale.

Tisdale added the estimated cost to repair hail damages can fall anywhere between $2,000 and $20,000.

The hardest part in identifying hail damage is the light your vehicle is under. Artificial lighting is the best to search for all dents.

“Get it in some artificial lighting and get it cleaned up so we can see all the damage because the small dents- you’re going get tricked by them if you aren’t very careful,” said Tisdale.

The best policy is to find coverage for your car in a safe manner. If that is not an option, Tisdale added that make-shift protection like blankets or towels could help soften the blow of hail damage.