A number of south Lubbock County residents received notices in the mail in February, stating there would be public hearings about being annexed into the city limits.

The residents live south of FM 1585 and west of University Avenue. 

“We’ve spent the last 20 some odd years developing this for our retirement, the way we wanted it, in the country, with great neighbors out here,” Robert Henry said. Henry has lived in that area for more than 20 years.

“We have water wells, we don’t need the water lines, we’ve got our septic systems, so we don’t need that, we’ve paid for all of that, we’re self-sufficient,” Henry said.

Tommy Jones has also lived on the same street for 17 years. He is also concerned about the cost that could come with being annexed into the city.

“There’s no telling what the cost would be to run water mains and sewer mains down here, and if they’re going to put us in, are they going to do that for us, or are they going to make us pay for it?,” Jones said.

It’s not just those costs Jones is worried about. He said he did some research on how it would impact his taxes and that was another concern.

“For me, it’d be about a 33% increase in taxes I’d be paying to be moved into the city in a place that I really don’t want to be,” Jones said.

Andrew Paxton with the Planning Department of the City of Lubbock said the City Council would have the ultimate decision as to whether or not annex this land into the city limits.

The first meeting will be at 10 a.m. on March 8 and the second meeting will be on March 10 at 5:30, during the City Council meeting.