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South Asian Student Association to Host Holi Festival of Color

The South Asian Student Association will host the 10th annual Holi Festival of Color. Holi is an annual festival that celebrates spring, commemorates various events in Hindu mythology and is a time of merrymaking regardless of faith, culture and socioeconomic status.

Noon Saturday (April 8)

Urbanovsky Park

The event will feature the Tech Riyaaz Showcase, a cultural dance showcase, for the first time. Dance teams and individual performers will come together to perform an exhibition.

The festival is free and open to the public. Indian food, color and shirts will be provided to attendees. Those with strong allergies or breathing problems are advised that super-fine powder will be in use.

Simran Singh, South Asian Student Association, Texas Tech University, (806) 834-7226 or simran.singh@ttu.edu

(News release from Texas Tech University)