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State of Lubbock Park Has Local Kids Complaining

Kids in Lubbock called attention to a local park, after they witnessed several issues at Legacy Play Village Thursday morning.

A trail of trash was scattered across the entire park. Fence posts are broken along almost every wall. Several kids pointed out the posts and other
wood structures were chipped and splintered.

One young girl, Danica Powers, said her Girl Scout troop has held trash cleanups at the park.

“We did like three bags of trash,” Powers said.

11-year-old Tyler Ryan used to live in Lubbock but is back in town this week visiting family. He said the play village is one of his favorite parks.
He likes to play Tag and Hide and Go Seek.

Ryan said he was sad to find the park in such disrepair.

“Why would people tear this up?” Ryan said. “It’s special. Why would people tear it up? It’s kind of mean.”

Ryan said he would like to see officials do something to help, but also said there is a lot the community can do too.

“If you are going to come here and play and be with your family,” Ryan said. “Please pick up after yourself because this is a park.
You are not supposed to treat it like a trashcan. You’re supposed to treat it right because it is special.”

We asked officials for Legacy Play Village for comment on the story. They said they would get back to us on Friday.