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Amarillo man’s ‘gymnastics routine’ video goes viral

AMARILLO, Texas (KAMR/KCIT) —The 2020 Summer Olympics have been postponed but an Amarillo man is keeping that spirit alive with an unconventional gymnastics routine.

“I love to see people happy and whatever I’m doing I try to make it fun,” said Guy Bell.

Bell shows off that fun in a recent Facebook video he posted of him doing a gymnastics routine in a little bit of an unconventional way, which is how the Bell family rolls.

“We never really plan any of these pictures or videos. It’s just stuff that kinda occurs or happens and we just kind of roll with it. It’s pretty funny really,” said Bell.

As for this video, it all started when the Bell family did their usual routine of feeding their horses. That’s when Bell noticed his daughter doing some balance work.

“I handed my dad my phone and say hey dad watch this. Did my little routine and the three of us watched the video and we all got a good laugh about it and I thought, I think I’ll post it,” said Bell.

The video took off from there, racking up over 10,000 likes and over 38,000 shares.

Bell said he did not anticipate it going viral but he does hope it sends a simple message during these times.

“Enjoy every second you have with the ones you love because life is flying by and that’s the fun thing about most of my stuff is I’ve got somebody in my family around me. My dad is always filming. It’s a family thing. We have a lot of fun together,” said Bell.

(Information from MyHighPlains.com)