When trick-or-treating with young goblins and ghouls, the Texas Department of Public Safety recommends all community members adhere to safety guidelines on Halloween.

DPS officials advise drivers to not drink and drive and to avoid distractions like mobile devices, according to a DPS news release. Drivers should also be mindful of speed limits, especially in construction zones, bad weather and heavy traffic areas.

“Trick-or-treaters of various ages will be out for Halloween, and drivers should exercise additional caution, especially watching for children who may suddenly dart into the roadway,” said DPS Director Steven McCraw in the release. “To help avoid a needless tragedy, slow down, avoid distractions, and don’t drink and drive. If your celebration involves alcohol, always designate a sober driver or choose alternate transportation.”

The DPS also provides the following safety tips:

  • Look both ways before crossing roadways, and always walk; don’t run.
  • Cross the roadway at intersections and crosswalks.
  • Travel in groups with adult supervision and in neighborhoods you are familiar with.
  • Do not enter the cars or homes of strangers, and avoid homes with porch lights turned off.
  • Check the Texas Public Sex Offender Registry online when choosing a route.
  • Make sure children know their home phone number and how to call 911 or their local emergency number in case they have an emergency or become lost.
  • Take all treats home for an adult to inspect before eating anything, and never eat candy obtained without a wrapper.
  • Avoid toy guns and knives – they could easily be mistaken for a real weapon.
  • Wear costumes that are light in color or place reflective material on the costume, so drivers can see you.
  • Avoid using masks, if possible, to allow for better visibility and peripheral vision.
  • Carry a flashlight.