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East Texas Dentist Goes Viral After Helping an Arizona Man Regain His Smile

A Marshall dentist has made national headlines after a video of him helping an Arizona man in desperate need of oral surgery went viral.

“The primary focus of my 10-year career is rooted in recreating smiles,” Dr. Kenny Wilstead of Marshall Family Dental explained. “I just want to give some life back to him.”

That’s why he decided to take the case of Jacob Bryan. 

For years, Bryan had been suffering from intense mouth pain, due to the deterioration of his teeth. They had become too soft and rotten that he couldn’t do simple tasks like brush them, or eat.

“I woke up in the middle of the night and I just … it was so hard to breath,” Bryan told KETK’s Daniel Pierce over SKYPE from his home in Arizona. “I thought this is how it would be for the rest of my life. I had lost a lot of hope.” 

Bryan would reach out to dentist in the Arizona area, but the cost of getting dentures would be around $16,000; something he and his family could not afford. So, Bryan was left to suffer. 

Unable in eat on a normal basis, Bryan began to lose a lot of weight. Dr. Wilstead said when he first saw Bryan’s condition he could tell he was disturbingly skinny. “I could tell he was in serious need of help.” 

Dr. Wilstead had become internet famous early this year when a video of him helping an abuse victim with oral surgery went viral on social media. Bryan’s wife saw this and reached out to the doctor.

Dr. Wilstead met with Bryan and his wife in East Texas, and walked over their financial options. He also examined Bryan and determined he would need all of his teeth pulled out and replaced with dentures. 

Though Bryan was afraid, and had a bast history with dentist visits he would agree to have the procedure done. 

In early November, he would travel to Marshall, meet with Dr. Wilstead, and have his life changed forever.

“That moment in time definitely changed my life,” Bryan said as he looked back on the video taken of he seeing his new teeth. “I feel a lot healthier, and I smile now.” 

The video has been shared and seen by more than 1 million people, and climbing.

Click here to see the heartwarming video or watch it below.

Bryan will be returning to East Texas in December to have his lower dentures put in place. He said until then, he will enjoy retaking family photos, and looking at himself in the mirror as much as he possible care. 

As for Dr. Wilstead, he is looking to expand his practice and open up a facility in Longview. He also offers free consultations for anyone looking for something extra in their stockings this holiday season.

(Story from www.easttexasmatters.com)