FORT WORTH, Texas (KETK) – Police in Fort Worth said Tuesday that a mass shooting was averted after they received a call from a father who reported his own son.
The father said that his 27-year-old son wanted to buy guns and go on a rampage, according to our sister station KXAS.
“He wanted to kill many people. He wanted to do something that was very similar that took place in the Midland-Odessa area and he basically wanted to mimic that,” said Ofc. Buddy Calzada with the Fort Worth Police Department.
According to local police, the man withdrew between $600 and $700 and then went to several shops to by guns. He was denied because he failed background checks.
“The great part is that somebody, which would be the father in this case, was able to reach out to police with valid information and we were able to do something very significant,” Calzada said.
Police say the man has had multiple interactions with law enforcement and was diagnosed with several mental health issues.
He is now at a local clinic receiving treatment.
This comes the same day as an East Texas school district responded to a perceived threat.
Earlier Monday, Carlisle ISD “removed a student from campus” after it was discovered that he or she had a hit list. Police are investigating the incident.