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Salma Hayek spreads awareness about missing Fort Hood soldier Vanessa Guillen

KILLEEN, Texas (KWKT) – Actress Salma Hayek is raising awareness in the search for a Fort Hood soldier who disappeared in April.

On April 22, Private First Class Vanessa Guillen was reported missing. It has now been 53 days since Guillen went missing. Her family says little progress has been made in this investigation.

Hayek posted a photo of Pfc. Guillen on Instagram Thursday with the plea for the actress’ 15 million followers, “Bring us back Vanessa.”

On Friday night, Guillen’s family held a peaceful protest outside of Fort Hood.

Family and friends marched around the Mayborn Gate at Fort Hood evening chanting, “We need answers.”

Guillen was last seen on post April 22nd. The family says it was her off day, and she was wearing a t-shirt, purple leggings and black running shoes.

Since a rally was held in Fort Hood three weeks ago, the family now confirms they have had contact with the Army. They say they have not been given any formal updates on Guillen’s whereabouts.

Her family describes Vanessa as a kind and loving soldier, daughter sister and friend who had the courage to fight for her country.

“Put yourself in my shoes and speak up before it’s too late,” Mayra Guillen told sister station KWKT in late May. “Don’t try to cover for anyone that won’t do it for you. I need whoever knows or seen her anything at this point is helpful to please help us and reach out. It does not have to be in person. You can do it anonymously.”

Anyone with information should contact Army CID Special Agents at 254-495-7767, or the Military Police Desk at 254-287-4001. They can also contact their local law enforcement agencies.