In Lubbock, “a 19-year-old student fatally shot a Texas Tech University police officer Monday night after police brought him in for questioning… The student pulled a gun and shot the officer, then fled on foot, according to a university alert sent to the campus community….”

“Officials are still investigating whether the gun was owned by Daniels, said Cpl. Patricia Holbert of the Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office and they are still trying to piece together what happened Monday night at the police station.” [Washington Post, October 10, 2017]

Texas Democratic Party Deputy Executive Director Manny Garcia issued the following statement:

“Last night, Texas Tech University, like so many communities and college campuses across America, experienced a frightening active shooter event.

“America lost yet another soul to gun violence last night, Texas Tech University Police Officer Floyd East, Jr. We pray for him, his family, and the entire Texas Tech community. We pledge to do everything in our power to stop tragedies like last nights from ever happening again.

In response, we spoke out on Twitter about the danger of campus carry. Our words were inadequate, hurried, and we apologize. That tweet has now been removed. The shooter was ineligible to hold a license to carry and the full facts of the tragic incident have yet to be reported.

The truth is, like millions of Americans, we’re frustrated. We’re tired of hearing ‘thoughts and prayers’ from politicians who avoid conversations about real solutions to our nation’s gun violence epidemic. We’re tired of politicians shrugging tragedy off. We’re tired of seeing Americans die.

We believe law enforcement officials should be the only ones with firearms on campus. We believe we should do everything possible to keep guns out of the hands of those who would do evil. We believe sensible gun laws can do something about America’s shameful gun violence.”

(News release from Texas Democratic Party)