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Texas Workforce Commission allowing unemployment benefits for claimants refusing to return to work due to COVID-19

The Texas Workforce Commission's headquarters building was closed on April 2, 2020 as tens of thousands of Texans were trying to get through online and on the phone to file unemployment applications. (KXAN Photo/Jody Barr)

AUSTIN – In an effort to support those who choose to not return to work due to COVID-19, the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) is implementing new eligibility requirements for unemployment benefits.

Each unemployment insurance claim is currently evaluated on an individual basis.

The following are reasons benefits would be granted if the individual refused suitable work:

Any other situation will be subject to a case by case review by TWC based on individual circumstances.

“This flexibility in the unemployment benefit process will help ensure that Texans with certain health and safety concerns will not be penalized for choosing not to return to work,” said Governor Greg Abbott.