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Staying Positive Despite Tough Physical Therapy

From a wheel chair, to a walker, crutches and then having to hold on to something just to walk, 10-year-old Kash Kovar has been through a lot.

“It’s been hard but you just have to work through it,” said Kovar.

Despite the trials he’s had a smile on his face the entire time, its one physical therapist at Covenant Health’s Outpatient Therapy say is contagious.

“I can tell you all that all the other adults, when they are watching him they always get a smile on their face,” said physical therapist assistant, Leah Bush.

“I can always see them watching as they are doing their therapy, they love seeing him do that.”

She says for therapist, Kovar is a great patient because unlike many of the children they say, he comes in with a good attitude.

Kovar started his long road to recovery after falling off his skateboard.

“We had started going to the doctor to see what was wrong with his hip cause he was saying that it hurt and then a week later he fell and broke his hip,” said Kovar’s mom Kathy.

She said doctors explained to them he had a very rare cyst near his hip causing the bone to become brittle and break.

But from physical therapy in the gym to time in the water, Kovar says he always tries to stay positive.