The Lubbock Police Department arrested two women for theft involving a stolen Yorkie last week. The two woman attempted to re-sell the dog on Craigslist but were caught. Even though police said the thieves were caught, it’s still a scary thought to animal lovers across town.

Police said the number of reported stolen dogs has nearly doubled since this time last year.

“So far this year we’ve had 36 stolen dog reports,” Tiffany Pelt with Lubbock Police said.

In 2016 police reported between January 1st and April 18th a total of 20 dogs were stolen and only four recovered. In 2017 a total of 36 dogs have been stolen and only four recovered as well.

“What we see a lot of times is someone is at work or their not at home and they come home and find their dog is missing. Sometimes we get reports they don’t really know if the dog ran away or if someone stole the dog that can make it difficult,” Pelt said.

Kia Reimath, the Assistant Director for Lubbock Animal Services said people need to be more cautious buying dogs online.

“We always tell people to be weary. You don’t know where those animals have been exposed to, you don’t know where they’ve been and you don’t know if you’re getting a healthy one,” Reimath said.